What is a Web Site? |
A web site is a place, with an "address," on the World Wide Web showing information. The first document you see of a site is called it's homepage. Good sites give fast-loading, easy-to-understand content. You'll find text & graphics in the site that are "hot links." Clicking your mouse on them will jump you to a new spot on that site or to an entirely different web site. Variety & content of web sites available to "visit" on the Internet is enormous. You can click on the images down the left side of this page to view some sample web elements for ideas. The creation of your personal or business web site is limited only by your imagination! |
Web Site Examples: Good Quality vs. Poor |
It's not as easy to find excellent sites on the Internet as it to find poor ones... Poor examples: Often web pages contain interferring backgrounds, one of which you'll see at http://hotyellow98.com/trcasey/. Visit http://www.zaldesign.com to see an advertisement for web design that uses irritating animation & colors, a poor quality untouched-up photo, & poorly planned layout. My last example of what NOT to do is http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com, which purposely shows overdone animation, non-descriptive links, text that's too small, other no-no's, & links to more poor quality pages. Quality examples: http://www.virtualelpaso.com/weddings/elegant-penguin/ is an excellent web site. It has a clean, crisp, bright appearance, good organization, & the photos' faded edges help portray the effect of elegance. Another site I like is http://www.fuzzyfaces.com which loads quickly & has pleasant clean design. |
Advantages of Web Advertising |
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